Hello Yellow is Raleigh’s first process art studio
What is process art?
Process art highlights and celebrates unique discoveries made through exploration, play and creative choice. It is a child-directed art making experience that is less focused on the end product and more about the process of creating.
“The instructions of the teacher consist then merely in a hint, a touch—enough to give a start to the child. The rest develops of itself.” -Dr. Maria Montessori
why is process art important?
Process art is critical in the development of children because of their natural affinity to explore and create. Encouraging and celebrating this organic way of being helps children continue to flourish and develop into confident, creative, inquisitive adults. Just a few of the benefits children gain from process art experiences are:
- opportunities to build and strengthen creativity and imagination.
- an emboldened sense of self confidence as an artist, creative thinker and human being.
- a willingness to take chances in a safe space, while learning it is ok to “make mistakes”.
- freedom from the comparison trap and disappointment when their art “doesn’t look like it should”, because everyone’s is unique!
What should I understand about process art as a parent?
While product art (art that focuses on the quality of the finished product) can definitely play an important role in your child’s life, it is critical that they also have many opportunities to simply play and explore. If you are looking for an art class that walks your child, step by step, through creating a predetermined, teacher directed piece of art, this is not the studio for you. The art your child will be bringing home, is completely their own creation, from start to finish. It will be important for you to keep a few things in mind, when talking to your child about their art. Here are a few things to remember:
- You may not immediately understand the art your child has created, but they definitely do, so ask them about it!
- Instead of saying “What is that?” Try “Wow! Tell me about what you have created!“
- When providing process art time at home, resist the urge to tell your child how it should look.
- Also, if your child is using a material differently from how it is “supposed to” be used, (as long as they are being safe), allow them to explore new and different ways to use their supplies.
- Be prepared for a mess! This can be stressful for parents, but thinking ahead and providing safe places such as an outdoor space, garage space, or putting down plastic table cloths and drop cloths, you won’t have to worry as much and your child can feel free to create with out fear!
How can Hello Yellow benefit you?
- If you are local to Raleigh, NC, you can now sign up for in-studio classes and tinker time! Your child will have various supplies and materials at their finger tips with which to explore and create without the cleanup at home!
- Coming soon: pre-made art prompts and supply kits to purchase and use at home.
- Also coming soon: free project ideas and supply recommendations for you to continue to foster your child’s natural desire to learn and create at home.
About the owner

Hello! My name is Mary Mckinney, and I am the owner of Hello Yellow Art Studio. I have been an elementary school teacher for the last 20 years, teaching 3rd and 4th grades before attaining my certification and realizing my dream to be an art teacher. Helping children discover, recognize and celebrate their own creative thoughts is a passion of mine. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had being a public school educator, I am currently teaching in a Wake County elementary school, and I believe that public education plays a vital role in child development. However, I felt called to create a space that is free from state standards, free from standardized testing, and free from barriers and restraints put on creativity. I am running this studio to supplement the instruction children gain from being in school, not as a replacement. I would love for you to take a look around this website to learn more about how process art can benefit you and your child. Thanks for stopping by!